Do you fear that your financial situation will prevent you from leading the life you’ve always desired? Do financial worries prevent you from following your dream of studying overseas? Don’t let financial constraints prevent you from realizing your greatest potential. Now is the time to prepare your belongings and head for Malta! Studying in this stunning nation might become a reality if you have RBS Intellect on your side. In addition to its breathtaking natural scenery, Malta provides top-notch education at a significantly lower cost than other popular study abroad locations. Why wait, then? Malta is prepared to receive you, and your ideal education is within your grasp.

Why Study in Malta?

Students who love sports, beaches, travel, and outdoor activities will love Malta. For international students, communication is simple because English is the official language. Strong international ties with universities enable Malta to host about 600 students and 500 exchange students annually from 80 different countries. The University of Malta is a desirable choice for EU/EEA students because it offers free education. There are also lots of work prospects in the nation, especially in business management. Malta is a fantastic option for studying higher education overseas because scholarships are offered, offering either full or inexpensive education.

  • Malta, a small yet remarkable island of 316 km², is home to Valletta, one of Europe’s smallest and most historic capitals.

  • A diverse and varied culture

  • Malta is home to some of the oldest temples in the world

  • Malta is home to approximately 70 vibrant festivals and fiestas, making it a cultural hub of celebrations and traditions.

  • The setting for well-known films

Types of Expenses
Annual Expenses in Euro
Tuition Fees for one-year (Tentative)*
Living and Accommodation for one-year
Airfare to Malta (Tentative)
Student Visa Fees
Total Expenses

Top Courses in Malta As Per Demand 2025

About The Process

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Step 04
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